Mosaic includes all Teachers Professional Standards with addition to those for Teaching Assistants, Business Managers and National Occupational Standards.
Teachers Professional Standards
With more emphasis than ever on tracking progress against Teachers Professional Standards, it makes sense that educational professionals have a simple way to do this, whilst also linking to their Performance Appraisal objectives and their respective Career Stage. All of the current Teachers Professional Standards (England and Wales) are housed within the system, as well as the National Occupational Standards for TAs, HLTAs, Business Admin & Finance, Headteachers Standards and many more.
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How can your Teachers Standards link to other school improvement processes?
Mosaic's Teachers Professional Standards feature is completely future proof. Any evidence recorded against the previous Standards automatically flows into the new Teachers Standards where relevant; that same evidence also links to other relevant parts of the Mosaic system, whole school strengths & development analysis and bespoke evaluation reports (including SEF/Estyn and Career Stage Expectations).
Empowers individuals to take responsibility for their own career development
Shows clear linking to other key areas and provides a comprehensive analysis of staff performance against standard
At a glance overview of progress against the standards which quickly highlights strengths and development areas for every individual
Click of a button, whole school analysis of progress against all of the Professional Standards