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Launching the New Priority Analysis Report

School Improvement Priority Analysis Report

Bluewave are proud to launch the New Priority Analysis Report enabling you to gain a quick snapshot overview of your teams assessment of your key priorities.


So, you think you know your school? Does everyone in your team feel the same? Perhaps you should ask them.

The Priority Analysis Report (PAR) is a quick and simple way for you to get the views of your team within the context of any evaluation framework and for you to know more about your development priorities going forward. For example, you might be working your way through the Common Inspection Framework or the ESTYN SER, or you might be evaluating Governance or Safeguarding in your school. Wouldn’t it be more meaningful if your team could provide a clear picture of where they see those development priorities?

The PAR can be anonymised or not and the analysis is instantly available. It only takes around 15 minutes to complete which means it could be done at the beginning of a staff meeting and the analysis can be used straight away to formulate development plans.

PAR’s can be done as many times as you need to, perhaps three times a year, to see how the view of your team changes as your development strategy is implemented. The PAR can be shared with all key stakeholders if you wish and it demonstrates that Leadership have taken the time to get to know there school more accurately.

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